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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

You’re Invited: May 5, 2011

By My Sunday News

Pinochle Tournament

The Sun City Pinochle Club will host a Spring Single Deck Pinochle Tournament on Sunday, May 15, 2011.  Play will begin promptly at noon.  Please arrive by 11:45 a.m.  This will be a double elimination tournament.  Prizes will be 1st place, $100; 2nd place, $50.  There will be a single elimination consolation tournament for those eliminated after the third round.  A $30 prize will be awarded to the consolation tournament winners.  There will also be a $30 prize awarded to the high round scored by any other teams than the winners of the 1st or 2nd place prizes.  Entry fee will be $7 per person which also covers refreshments.  You may enter as a team or as individuals.  Registrations will be accepted through May 14, 2011.  For further information contact Tournament Director, Bob Begora at 847-515-3287 or Club President, Dan Bressler at 847-669-7373.

Model Railroad Club Open House

The Kishwaukee Valley and Eakin Creek Model Railroad Club of Sun City will sponsor their Spring Open House on Sunday May 22. The event will be held in the basement and the adjoining rear yard of the Millgrove Woodshop at 13400 W. Sun City Blvd in Huntley IL.

This traditional spring event, co-sponsored by the Sunflower Garden Club of Sun City, will feature over 1,200 feet of track and over 40 buildings and structures on our expanded outdoor Garden Scale layout. Indoors, the HO layout has been expanded to include additional trackage and over 30 additional buildings and structures making for an even more realistic display. Amusement Park rides on the “O” scale will be running as will the El train. Finally the N gauge layout has completed the roundhouse display and other features since our last Spring Open House.

So come join us and welcome in the spring season with a visit to our Model Railroad club room. All Sun City residents as well as family, friends, model railroaders and garden enthusiasts from across the area are cordially invited. We simply ask that children be accompanied by adults. The hours of operation are 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Finally, please note that the Club has added a message system. Residents and guests may call 847-669-2392 or log on to the new Sun City website at sccah.com to stay abreast of our upcoming events.

Memorial Day Parade

The annual Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the Village of Huntley and American Legion Post 673 will be on May 30.  All interested in registering to be in the parade please go to the Village of Huntley’s website or pick up form at the Legion Post 11712 Coral St.  The parade begins at 11 a.m. at the Municipal Building west on Main St. to the village square where a small ceremony will be held honoring all veterans.

La musica!

The Frank Ardito Trio performing in the lounge at Regina’s Via 31 Italian Restaurant in West Dundee 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Friday, April 29. The phone number of the restaurant is 847-836-0078.

Garden Gifts

The Growing Scene, Inc. wants to honor all Moms on Mother’s Day by giving a gift to every Mom that comes in to the Garden Center on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8.

The Growing Scene, Inc. is located at 17015 Harmony Road, near Route 20 in rural Marengo. For additional information call (815) 923-7322 or go to their website www.thegrowingscene.com.

Bus Trip to Milwaukee Polish Festival

The Sun City Polish American Club is planning a chartered bus trip to Milwaukee on June 17 to attend the Polish Festival. The cost for the bus is $20 per person. Admission to the festival on that day is 50 cents per person. All are welcome. The trip is not limited to members of the club. Reservations, on a first come-first served basis, and payment can be made by calling Stan Borucki at 847-515-2711.

Civil War Sesquicentennial Events

All Civil War events take place on Monday, May 16.

Join us on Monday, May 16 as the Huntley Area Public Library hosts the first two in a series of events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Between the Fighting: Civil War History – 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the west parking lot.

Tour The James, McHenry County Historical Society’s Mobile History Museum. The exhibit “Between the Fighting” focuses on what the soldiers did between battles in the Civil War. Those who tour the bus can enter to win a drawing for a Civil War coffee table book.

Senior Coffee: Seniors in the Civil War – 10-11 a.m. • Program Room

Henry and Marta Vincent, members of the McHenry County Civil War Round Table and Civil War reenactors, will appear in period costume and talk about what life was like for senior citizens as civilians and soldiers during the Civil War. Space is limited.

Visit With Civil War Reenactors: at 11-11:30 a.m. in the west parking lot. All ages

Tour The James while visiting with reenactors Henry and Marta Vincent.

Sun City Concert Band Spring Concert

The Sun City Concert Band will present its annual spring concert Pictures at an Exhibition in the Drendel Ballroom of the Prairie Lodge in Sun City Huntley at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 19 and 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 21.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $3 for students.

In addition to the music there will be a cash bar and a fine arts display sponsored by the Pencil and Palette Club of Sun City. Musical selections will include Mussorgsky’s ‘Pictures at an Exhibition,’ LeRoy Anderson’s ‘The Typewriter,’ Strauss’ ‘Radetsky March,’ selections from the musical “Chicago”, and other toe-tapping favorites. In addition, the Sun City Concert Band Instrumental Scholarship will be presented to two deserving Huntley High School instrumentalists to further their music interest. Please join us for this tribute to both fine music and art.

Tickets on sale at:

Meadow View Lodge every Wednesday in April and May from noon to 2 p.m.

For further information, call Cheryl Rotermund at 847-961-5905.


League openings and subs needed

Bocce League Play will start on June 6, so if you are not signed up, come to the registration meeting on May 12 in Drendel Ballroom at 1 p.m.

Residents who are not currently in a Bocce League and are interested in playing or would like to be a substitute in the 2011 Bocce League should attend the New Member Registration on May 12 at 1 p.m. in Drendel Ballroom.

The cost to play in a league or substitute is $5 per person per year. The $5 fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please pay by check and bring your association badge with you. A lottery system will be used to fill vacancies. When all vacancies are filled, a wait list will be started.

This year we plan on having two substitute lists: one for those that just want to be a substitute and one for those already in a league who would like to substitute in another league at no extra cost.

Please call one of the officers if you are in a league and want to substitute in another league.

The season will begin with New Member Orientation on June 1 (rain date June 2) at 12:30 p.m. at the Bocce Courts. All new members should attend this meeting.

Captains Meeting: May 27 in the Oak Elm Room at Meadow View Lodge at 1 p.m. Tournament date is August 30.

The 12th Annual Dinner, Awards, and General Meeting is September 9 at the Boulder Ridge Country Club.

John Diebold – 847-515-2782

Janice Diebold – 847-515-2782

Bernie Kloep – 847- 669-6655

John Arneson – 847-669-9076

US Constitution refresher

Would you like to have a “refresher” course on the Constitution?  Please join the Huntley Constitution Study Group on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month for review and discussion of the U.S. Constitution, held at the PNC Bank, Rt. 47 just south of Regency Square Parkway, next to Culver’s.  The community room entrance is at the back of the bank building.  The meeting begins promptly at 10 a.m. until noon.  We use the Hillsdale College DVD as reference, with additional study materials available for purchase.  For more info please contact catherine42@comcast.net.

Puppy/Kitten Shower

Preparations for Animal House Shelter of Huntley Annual Puppy/Kitten Shower are underway to collect supplies for the upcoming puppy & kitten season. This event will be hosted by the Family Dog Center, 6200 Berkshire Drive, Crystal Lake on Sunday, May 15 from noon to 4 p.m. Please bring a gift for the mothers-to-be or a monetary donation for needed supplies to care for all the new puppies & kittens. Gift registries are available in the Baby registry sections of Walmart.com & Amazon.com. Search Animal House Shelter.

Featured at the event will be adoptable puppies & kittens, adoptable adult animals, games for all, cat/dog themed jewelry boutique, dog/cat gifts & treats, puppy/kitty duck pond, name the incoming AHS’s animals, raffles, prizes, goody bags for all and much, much more!!!

For more information, contact Marlene Sweeney at AHSMarlene@gmail.com or 847-961-5541 – animalhouseshelter.com.

Dash for dogs

Animal House Shelter, Huntley hosts 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run to Benefit Shelter Dogs & Cats

Animal House Shelter’s “Dash for the Dogs” a 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Fun Walk will be held on June 4th at Citizens Park, 511 Lake Zurich Road, Barrington. Registration/Check In begins at 8am and the 5K Run/Walk starts promptly at 10 a.m. Your favorite canine is invited to walk with you in the 1 Mile Fun Walk which starts at Noon. To become a participant, easy registration is available on the website animalhouseshelter.com. The cost for this event will be $25 advanced registration and $30 day of the race. Afternoon events included: Vendors, Catered Food, Bags Tournament, Free Throw Contest, Kids Games and Entertainment until 5 p.m.

Monetary donations are being collected by supporters of the shelter through the “Dash for Donations” program. This program offers incentives for the donor and prizes for the persons collecting monetary donations for the shelter. Winners for the “Dash for Donations” program will be announced on June 4.

This event will help raise much needed funds to benefit all current dogs and cats residing at the shelter as well as rescue many more waiting to be saved. The event will also increase awareness and help educate the community about the importance of adoption and shelter animals. Participants are welcome to be accompanied by their furry family member. Featured participants will be dogs from the shelter available for adoption.

Animal House Shelter, Inc. rescues abused and neglected dogs and cats  and rehabilitates them mentally & physically in order to place them with the best new family.  Ninety-eight percent of dogs and cats are rescued from high ‘kill’ shelters, pounds and various animal control facilities in which they are usually listed as strays, and almost always scheduled to be euthanized. The best possible veterinary care is always given to those at Animal House Shelter. They are never declined treatment, whatever it may entail, if it means that the animal has a chance at a new and healthy life.

Animal House Shelter strives to go above and beyond when caring for and socializing animals and understand the importance of getting to know each and every animal available for adoption in an effort to place them in the most perfect home possible. Animal House Shelter was established in 2002 and has rescued over 16,000 dogs and cats to date into their loving homes.

For further information contact Marlene Sweeney at AHSMarlene@gmail.com, 847-961-5541 or animalhouseshelter.com.

Annual plant sale

The Sunflower Garden Club announces its annual Plant Sale to be held on Thursday, May 5 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Pavilion.  Annuals, hanging baskets, full flats will be available.  Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions.  For additional information, please call Arlene Angerame at 847-515-5183 or Concetta Shellist at 847-515-8545.  All are welcome.

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