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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: September 27, 2012

By My Sunday News

How the Romney/Ryan Health Care Plans Impacts People Over 55

If the Republicans win in November, seniors currently getting Medicare benefits can opt to remain with traditional Medicare services. However, you still will be affected by Paul Ryan’s controversial voucher plan as well as the repeal of Obamacare. Here’s why (you can Google it for yourself):

Pay More for Drugs: The “donut hole” in the prescription drug plan, shrinking now and totally gone in 2010 thanks to ObamaCare, would be reopened. This is unfortunate because, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, the average savings in 2011 was $631 per senior.

Pay higher premiums: As soon as private insurers start offering coverage to future retirees in 2023, they’ll do exactly what private plans are already doing in the Medicare Advantage program: Cherry pick the healthiest applicants and leave sicker (and more expensive) beneficiaries in traditional Medicare. Over time, traditional Medicare will become less financially viable because it will have to compete against private plans with healthier beneficiaries that cost less. As the size of the Medicare’s healthier population shrinks, its power to demand lower payment rates from providers will erode. Bottom line: You, the current Medicare recipient, will be the inevitable victim facing higher premiums and cost sharing for your traditional Medicare.

Pay more for long-term care: Ryan and Romney want to cut the federal contribution to Medicaid by 49 percent, effective almost immediately. On average, these cuts mean an annual decrease of $2,500 in benefits for seniors who rely on Medicaid to help pay for long-term care.

Pay more for preventive care: Cost sharing for preventive services (now free under ObamaCare) would be reinstated. This means that you will now have to pay for important preventive care, including cancer screenings.

Finally, to the reader who recently blamed the rise in his premiums on Obamacare: Greedy insurance companies are increasing premiums now because after January 1, 2014, they will no longer be able to get away with gouging us. Obamacare requires them to document that 80 cents of every health insurance premium dollar is used on medical stuff – not for salaries and profits. Also, the highest premiums charged can’t exceed 3x the lowest – no matter the person’s health history.

All of these cost increases may not be significant enough for many Sun City residents to get past their intense animosity for the president. However, for many middle class residents who can’t afford to retire, or live on a fixed income, every dollar counts. So do your own research. Then ask yourself whether the main reason you dislike Obamacare is because it has the word “Obama” in it. And, most of all, if you rely on Medicare or Medicaid, please, please, please don’t vote against your own financial interests in November.

Jess Chipkin
Sun City Resident

Moving Forward

Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action continue to encourage its members to volunteer to assist the Anderson, Coolidge, Duckworth and other Democratic campaigns and reach out to their potential supporters. A recent newspaper survey showed that interest in the upcoming election is waning due to the rush of political advertisements and negative rhetoric. The groups most affected were cited as seniors and young voters. So, helping keep our fellow residents interested in the election and anxious to vote in November is important.

At its October 10 meeting at Huntley Park District Rec Center, HSPA will help those who wish to volunteer, whether by making calls, door-to-door campaigning, driving voters to the polls on election day, or otherwise, to prepare for and carry out their intentions. Sun City stretches over two counties, Kane and McHenry, so that location of polls and early voting days will differ. Getting up-to-date information to potential voters will be another way to help. As mentioned in prior articles, all candidates are seeking assistance. They may be contacted as below:

Dennis Anderson, the potential representative for Sun City, can be reached at 815-444-0305 for his Crystal Lake office.

Leslie Coolidge can be reached at 847-277-0904 for her Barrington office.

Tammy Duckworth can be contacted at 847-749-2662. She has offices in Rolling Meadows, Addison, and Elgin.

Call. Volunteer to help. Keep interest alive. Move us forward so we get out the vote.

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.” ~George Jean Nathan

Pledge to vote this year, and then get your friends and family to do the same.

David Williams
Communications Team

The Huntley TEA Party will be showing the documentary called “Agenda, Grinding America Down” by Curtis Bowers on Thursday, Sept. 27, at 7 p.m. It will be shown at the Cosman Center at 12015 Mill St. in Huntley.

When Idaho Legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a “letter to the editor” about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the Capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then…he’d hit on something. Ask almost anyone and you’ll hear, “Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down.” Though the word “Communism” isn’t used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It’s a well documented agenda.

Everyone is welcome to come at 6:30 p.m. for a meet and greet before the movie starts at 7.

Vote for Dennis Anderson

While President Obama was being sworn in taking the oath of office, Republicans were meeting to discuss how to destroy him. Their decision: to vote “no” on everything he planned to accomplish – even if it was something they themselves voted for in the past. If Obama is for it, they are against it, using a record number of filibusters that require 60 votes to pass instead of a simple majority.

The GOP has filibustered over 300 bills that would help Obama and the country. Obama’s jobs bill that would add over 2 million new jobs has been sitting on Boehner’s desk for over a year – yet the GOP will not pass it. Mitch McConnell, minority leader of the senate, has admitted the only goal of the GOP is not the economy or jobs, but preventing Obama from a second term – and every Republican has signed a pledge to Grover Norquist, whoever he is, not to ever raise taxes. The GOP is out to destroy our government as we know it.

Reminds me of the man who got a college education under the GI Bill, purchased a home with an FHA loan, started a business with the help of a small business loan, all provided by the government. He put his money in a bank protected by government FDIC, hired people to work for him educated by our government, received police and fire protection provided by the government, and retired with Social Security and Medicare provided by our government. Then he joined the Tea Party to get government out of his life.

We must provide Obama with people in congress to help him accomplish his goals of moving our country forward. That is why I am voting for democrat Dennis Anderson, for the 14th congressional district who will work with Obama, not against him.

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