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Sun City in Huntley

Political Place 3/14/2014

By My Sunday News

Political Place
The views and opinions expressed in Political Place do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sun Day or its staff. The section is meant to offer readers a chance to express their thoughts on political issues.

Rauner, politically well-connected, multi-millionaire seeking to buy the seat, pollutes the airways ad nauseam, hiding insider maneuvering. Dressed down, talking good-ole-boy, he promises undeliverable dreams.
Dillard, ex-chief of staff to Jim Edgar, one of the first governors to pilfer state pension funds, points to the resulting raised state credit rate that term as an accomplishment of his! Pension issues ballooned while he slipped from one political office to another, proving he lacks the mettle to challenge Illinois’ corrupt government.
Rutherford is steeped in debauchery that destroys reputations and exposes the wicked, whichever is his predicament. Either hunted by a political assassin, possibly with multi-millions of dollars, or reaping just rewards, who knows?
Brady has been to this dance before. He intends to eliminate the State Board of Education to save money, possibly throwing the baby out with the bathwater. His party, talented at saving money on the backs of the hungry, needy, and others they term “takers” support him.
Kane County independents would fare better with Democratic ballots to move Dennis Anderson into position to defeat Randy Hultgren in the 16th district. At least they could feel clean in the morning.

Gail Talbot
Sun City resident

President Obama is not a Marxist, and he wasn’t born in Kenya either

In his many letters to editors, Mr. Tidwell repeatedly refers to President Obama as a Marxist.
Please, Mr. Tidwell, turn off Glenn Beck and read “Das Kapital.” Brush up on Russian history in the mid-to-late-19th century and get a feel of what it was like to live under a Marxist regime. Every time you call President Obama a Marxist you cheapen the experience of the millions who suffered, and continue to suffer, under oppressive regimes.
I know that you believe that the president is trying to expand the reach of government into healthcare, financial regulation, the auto industry, and so on. We should all question whether the Federal government should have expanded powers. America has been having that debate since its birth. That’s a good thing.
But saying Obama adheres to a Marxist ideology shows a lack of understanding of what it really is … and how frightening and predatory Marxism can be. It is not (as you suggest) simply an overreaching federal government. It is a spoils system that kills off everything in the name of a perverse “social justice.”
Do you really think President Obama fantasizes about a classless society? Does he really want working people to take up arms and seize control of factories? (Heck, he wants to disarm people, not arm them). Has he really tried to abolish private property and nationalize industry? Do you really believe he wants to end free press and turn it over to the “masses?”
Reality check: President Obama has nationalized zero industries. He has not greatly increased taxes on the rich. (OK, yeah, the Buffett tax wants the rich to pay the same rate as everyone else – hardly radical). We have plenty of private schools, private roads, gated communities. Wall Street is going gangbusters. Corporate profits are at a record high. And, the insurance companies are the big winners with Obamacare. So how is he a Marxist?
Actually, Mr. Tidwell, I don’t think Karl Marx would even like President Obama. You see, Marx predicted that capitalism will collapse and give way to socialism because the workers would be so repressed that they’d revolt. Marx wouldn’t approve of our “food stamp president” because, in his mind, this kind of government assistance placates the people enough so that they don’t launch a revolution.
When you read the facts, the president’s proposals are well within the Republican tradition, the classical liberal tradition, and the free-market tradition. And he was also born in this country.

Jess Chipkin
Neighborhood 22

Huntley Area Tea Party welcomes Steve Goreham

“Climate Change and Renewable Energy: The Rest of the Story”
Steve Goreham, author, speaker, and researcher on environmental issues, as well as an engineer and Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, a non-political association of scientists, engineers, and citizens dedicated to informing Americans about the realities of climate science and energy economics. He has more than 30 years of experience at Fortune 100 and private companies in engineering and executive roles.
Steve Goreham is also author of two real-world books on climate change, “The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania” and “Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century’s Hottest Topic”.
Join us and learn more as Steve discusses sustainable development, climate change, energy and environmental issues, the myths of “man-made global warming,” and more. Questions at the conclusion of the presentation are welcomed.
2014 elections are coming and America is in trouble! In addition to the burden of Obamacare, citizens suffer under increasingly severe energy and climate change laws. The EPA is bent on closing all coal-fired power plants. Billions of tax payer dollars are wasted on Solyndra and other “green” projects. Be informed in reality, be here.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Gather in 6:30 p.m.; Program begins at 7
Willow Room
Huntley Park District
12015 Mill Street (off Route 47)
Huntley, IL 60142

Dennis Anderson – Democrat for Congress

The Illinois primary election date is March 18 – just a few days away. Be sure to get out and vote. Now is time to vote for a congressional candidate whose values hold that wealth should be the servant, not the master, of the people. America is engaged in an epic battle on behalf of the middle class and common welfare; a fight to ensure that the people’s wishes, rather than the special interests’, propel governmental decisions. For the Illinois 14th Congressional District, which includes Sun City, Democrat Dennis Anderson, who knows his way around topics like Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act, and can help facilitate compromise that would preserve social programs, is the logical choice to win that battle for the people. So get to the polls on March 18 and cast your vote for Dennis Anderson, Democrat for Congress, who will help defeat the legislative dysfunction in Washington. Remember, elections have consequences. If you want change, you need to get out and vote!

David Williams
Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action


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