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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: December 17, 2015

By My Sunday News

In all due respect, it is my perception that Mr. Gaudette is “all wet” in his letter; allow to me explain.

Due to my physical condition, I cannot attend the monthly Board meeting, so I religiously watch and record the Comcast channel 96 of the monthly SCCAH Board meeting.

Thereafter, I replay my recording twice or more to verify if the text of Mr. Esau’s follow-up articles on a subject in the Sun Day editions are totally accurate. Also, to view without his editorial comments. I find that all of Esau’s articles are correct, accurate, and without any editorial comments.

It confuses me about what Mr. Gaudette alludes to. I’m sure that the SCCAH will kindly loan their recording to Mr. Gaudette for his hearing pleasure, and therein realize that he is incorrect in such comments.

Ron Ghilardi
Sun City resident

Mums the word! Transparency, yes! Newsworthy information, no! Take your pick!

No one, not a Board member, no management personnel, no resident made any mention at last week’s COTW meeting and regular Board meeting about the Board’s request that a newspaper reporter cease and desist from writing about who knows what.

Where was everyone? Maybe no news is good news.

Life in Sun City offers a “lot of some things” and in some instances “very little of others.” The “lot of some things” is the ongoing promotion of stuff to do and places to go. The “very little part” is updates about Board, management, and committee activities issues.

The current Dwight Esau/Sun City Board issue will just go away, or more than likely, come to some agreeable conclusion as have other community issues in the past. Who knows what lurks in Sun City’s future? There will always be something. You can count on it.

What is interesting is that the resident/reporter was really doing something that the Board should have been doing. That is, reporting the progress on issues, the introduction of issues, the coming and going of staff, committee members, Neighborhood Advisory Council [NAC] happenings, Presidents advisory Council meetings, and all other matters which are not “lifestyle” matters, but Board, management and governance news.

There has been a void in reporting news about those matters. Somehow, there is no compulsion to be “transparent.” Knowing the details of governance and management isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it does matter to the group who has an interest and curiosity about what keeps the community running.

There is a process to accomplish that service, but no Board has addressed or sought counsel to implement a simple solution to report the news.

One would think that allowing a reporter, whether or not a resident, to attend open meetings would be a plus for the community. More people would know more about what is going on which eventually would interest capable people to consider serving on the Board or advisory committees.

The CCRs and Bylaws do not exclude news reporters. The documents do list residents as authorized attendees, but what harm to allow the proceedings to be reported by anyone, resident or not.

Since the Board has not pursued a news reporting process of its own for the community, the independent news reporting in the mean time. Namely, this publication continues to be a valuable service.

Jim Darow

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