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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: July 3, 2014

By My Sunday News

The lodge was a warm, cozy, and very inviting place. The décor spoke to me of an update, in vogue place to be where large, small, and intimate groups could gather. Now with the new furniture, which I didn’t think we needed, I feel that I am now visiting a cold medical facility with inadequate seating. What could possibly appeal to a vibrant 55 year old thinking of buying into this community?

I realize that I am aging, but I don’t need to be reminded of it at every turn. Del Webb’s motto “Retire from work, not from life” certainly is not represented in the Lodge’s new environment.

Joyce Zemba
Neighborhood 3

The responsibility of managing the day to day affairs of the Sun City community is a big job! It is really a big job. First Service Residential [FSR], previously doing business as Wentworth, has provided management services to the community since 2007 and will continue doing so at least until December 31, 2014, when the contract between the Sun City Community Association [SCCAH] and FSR expires…or if the Board votes to renew the FSR contract for a term to be determined. FSR has had two consecutive contracts with SCCAH. The first two-year contract began in 2007 and the second five year contract in 2010.

The Board has recently appointed an Ad Hoc Management Company Search Committee to solicit and review proposals from interested management companies. Of course, the applicants include FSR, which hopes to earn the privilege of continuing to manage Sun City’s affairs. The contract is a big deal for any company and a big deal for Sun City residents individually and the community collectively. Hundreds of thousands of dollars represent the financial commitment.

As reported at the last Board meeting, progress has been made by the Ad Hoc committee and the Board by eliminating some contenders from consideration thereby narrowing the search.

Whichever company is selected, the key ingredient has been and always will be “the people factor.” It is the people who work for the management company, which carries out the policies established by the Board on behalf of all residents. FSR pays all of the employee-related costs and SCCAH reimburses FSR for those costs from a portion of our assessments.

Since transitioning management responsibilities from developer to SCCAH, there have been three Sun City Executive Directors at different times. During the last nine months, there has been an almost complete change or elimination of various department manager positions for a variety of reasons. The official explanation of change has typically been stated as a re-evaluation of staff requirements or that the departing employee is “pursuing other options” or “is considering career opportunities” or, in some cases, just relocating for family reasons or just plain quit.

Whatever the reasons, all of the changes required new people. To their credit, the new people have continued to provide quality services to the community. The right “people” are doing the right thing.

As FSR and other management companies compete for a new contract, let’s hope that the vetting process ultimately selects the company with proactive employee policies relating to personnel selection, training, support, and compensation. The contractual and functional relationship between SCCAH and its management company involves many factors but employing productive people is key. The Board has the final say in evaluating and approving every aspect of the community’s needs.

When that goal is achieved, Sun City will then continue to sustain a phenomenally successful plan for Lifestyle options, service, facility maintenance, fiscal responsibility, and just “one heck of a great place to live.”

Jim Darow
Neighborhood 5

I bought in 2002. I am trying to sell and go smaller and get closer to the family, so I have a duel interest in trying to keep the value of “OUR INVESTMENT” positive. I feel, sooner or later, everyone, or their estate, will have to sell their house and investment in Sun City. It would be to everyone’s advantage and benefit to keep the value of this investment to the positive side.

As you know, “OPEN HOUSE SIGNS” cannot be used at anytime or at any place in our community. I assume, at the time the developers were trying to sell their new products, they did not want competition from the resale market. Going back about 10 years ago, it seems to me, every Sunday Tribune had at least a half-page ad promoting our Sun City. Along with unending T.V. spots and bill boards, etc. I would assume these were paid for by the developer. If S.C. was to advertise now, it would have to be financed by the community.

I would recommend have a “Community Open House” one Sunday a month. This would be open to all licensed realtors that have a contract to sell a house. Charge them a minimal fee, perhaps $20 for each listing. All visiting viewing guests would have to pick up the list of Open Houses at Prairie Lodge. As you remember, the “big hook” that greeted us future buyers when we bought, from the developer, about 10 years ago was Prairie Lodge, with all the amenities, that all prospective buyers were exposed to as we visited the models. Model Park was shut down, a few years ago when Pulte was just about sold out, and there was not a need to show off our gem, Prairie Lodge. There would be NO OPEN HOUSE signs anywhere in the community; the only way a viewer would know about an open house would be to register at the Prairie Lodge welcome desk and receive a visitors I.D. card. They would pay a minimal charge, perhaps $15, for a list of Open Houses, with a map, current Lifestyle magazine, Sun Day Newspaper, discount coupon at Jameson’s, a day pass to our fitness/pool, possibly discounts at Culvers, Rookies, and other items of value that would enhance their visit to Sun City and make the $15 worthy of the visit. This fee might also help in separating those who are truly interested in Sun City from those who have nothing else to do on a Sunday but to pass time by looking at someone else’s house. This fee would also discourage Sun City residents from checking their neighbors’ houses. Proceeds from realtors’ listing fees and viewers’ fees would go to help pay for part of the cost to promote our Sun City Open House Sundays. I would not open this up to “Sale by Owners,” as I believe this would only draw owners who are “fishing.” Possibly, if the Board did want to include “Sale by Owners,” I would recommend charging them MUCH more for the listing, as to discourage those who are just “testing the water.” I have more to add to this, in tweaking, and other minor adjustments, but this is basically my idea to help in keeping OUR Sun City an exciting place to live and to invest in and open it up to those who do not know what we have here.

Burl Cohn
Neighborhood 17

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