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Ring out the allergies this holiday season!

By Joanie Koplos

The Winter Holidays can be an extremely stressful time of the year for the 50 million Americans (one in every 5 adults and children, often otherwise healthy) who suffer from runny noses, breathing problems, itchy eyes, and headaches – all or any of which may be symptoms of allergic reactions during Christmas/Hanukah festivities.

The Costco Connection (December 2016) magazine gives us 6 tips to help control this sixth leading cause of chronic disease, especially during this “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”

1. The CHRISTMAS TREE, live or artificial, can harbor mold or pollens or dust, which can be removed by washing the tree outdoors. Of course, let it dry before bringing the tree inside. Often a hair dryer set on cool will do the job with the artificial tree.

2. DECORATIONS, stored in damp basements and garages, will contain allergens and dust mites. To avoid this problem, omit fabric components in your decorations, and use plastic, glass, or metal composed adornments instead. Washing one’s hands or wearing gloves will help to eliminate the transference of these troublesome allergens.

3. FIREWOOD, when used in real fireplaces, should be used with open windows to prevent the smoke or scents transferred into individual’s sinuses or lungs (possibly causing an asthma attack). Fortunately, most Sun City seniors who have included fireplaces in their homes have chosen wisely with a gas fireplace version.

4. FOOD selection for visiting guests is full of difficult choices for the hostess to make. Seasonal treats, such as nuts, dips, eggnog, and chocolate, can become confusing selections for the allergic person to make, as well. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (causes.com/FAAN) offers the idea that ingredient labels be read carefully before serving or eating food items. Holiday hostesses are suggested to offer allergen-free guest foods or list ingredients on separate cards to be located near the served food.

5. Though FRAGRANCES solicit a strong memory of holiday seasons past, for many sufferers it is these same perfumes, potpourri, or scented candles that can bring on an attack. Non-scented battery operated candles can effectively replace the scented versions. My daughter, Kristi, who suffers from asthma exacerbation, explained, “I first noticed my increased allergic situation after I inhaled cleaning fluids at work. Soon after my exposure, I landed up with pneumonia and two lengthy stays in local hospitals.”

6. INDOOR AIR QUALITY excellence comes by way of having your furnaces checked regularly. This includes replacing furnace filters. Make sure where necessary, that real fireplace doors and dampers are secured tight after use. Windows and doors with good weather stripping usually will not allow fresh air in and bad air out. Even more troublesome are bathrooms and basements with their moist air. Don’t forget to use fans where found in these locations to prevent mildew or mold. If the weather permits, open windows or sliders slightly to adjust for good air quality.

Let’s show love to our fellow allergy sufferers now, especially at this charitable season! Happy Holidays to All!

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