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Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: September 24, 2020

By My Sunday News

I have been wearing a mask in public (and limiting my trips) since March when we learned the real dangers of Covid-19.

Iā€™m not sure how being considerate to others for the common good is now being mocked by some who are calling it ā€œliving in fearā€, but it needs to stop….

When I wear a mask over my nose and mouth in public and in the stores/Supermarkets/Pharmacies/Offices – I want you to know the following:

– I know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.

– I want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

– Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid or even “controlled.” It makes me caring and responsible.

– I don’t feel like the “government controls me.” I feel like I’m an adult contributing to the security in our society and I want to teach others the same.

– When you think about your appearance, discomfort, or other people’s opinion of you, imagine a loved one – a child, father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a stranger – placed on a ventilator, alone without you or any family member allowed at their bedside…..Ask yourself if you could have helped them a little by wearing a mask.

Eileen Gaughan
Sun City resident

Policies being advanced by Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress:

“Free” national health care for all; Providing a Universal Income for all; Higher taxes on “rich” Americans; Extreme climate change programs; Open borders for all immigrants;

Support for sanctuary cities; Defunding Police Departments; Cutbacks in U.S. military spending; Budget-busting federal spending; Government-paid college tuition for all;

Increased gun control; Dangerous abortion policies; Extending voting rights to inmates; Erasing our Nation’s history; Lowering the voting age to 16; Packing the Supreme Court;

Making Washington, D.C. a state; Abolishing the Electoral College.

Your Vote for Trump and Against this Socialist Democrat laundry list of left-wing ideas will keep America great beyond 2020 as intended by our Founding Fathers and Constitution.

Eileen J. Prus
Sun City Resident

I see so many comments these days about how bad president Trump is and just as many about how good president Trump is.

The interesting thing is if we look to what he promised he would do if elected and compare it to what heā€™s done, I think heā€™s done a pretty decent job.

His opposition then spouts off thousands of ā€œYa Buttsā€…..ā€œbut look what he said about thisā€ But. But. But Yada Yada. So it appears to me not only do these people want him to do what he promised, they want him to do it the way they want him to do it. If not heā€™s wrong!!

Much like when Joe Madden was hired to win a World Series for the Cubs, when he did it we heard from many fans ā€œwe won despite Joe Maddenā€! Really?? He accomplished something that no one in 108 years could do and did what he was hired to do and then we complain on how he did it!

Letā€™s try and take emotion out of the equation and look at facts. Letā€™s stop assuming we know how to do it better and let the people we elected or hired do what they have been elected or hired to do. If you think you can do it better get on the ballot. Or at the very least support our leaders until you get in a voting booth again.

Larry Walsh
Sun City resident

Back in 2016 I told my son that America must be careful as Trump sounded like another Hitler. After watching history of WW2 and Hitlers life I find myself amazed at the similarities..

Trumpā€™s first wife, Ivana, stated Trump kept and studied a copy of Hitlerā€™s speeches,

Neither Trump nor Hitler ever admitted a mistake and both responded to criticism with insults and name calling.

Both used low forms of language, simple sentences so even a person with a low level education would understand, Hitlerā€™s Nazi Party offered inexpensive radios for direct propaganda communication to the German people. Trump has Rupert Murdockā€™s Fox News, Sinclair, Twitter, Russian trolls/bots (Facebook) and Chineseā€™ Epoch News.

The goal of both is/was to convince the public that their lies were the truth. Trump offers a ā€œsteady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies and envy. Hitler and Trump both used closing borders (ā€œbuild the wallā€), scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia and racism to convince their countrymen that government is the problem.

Richard Wagner
Sun City Resident

This is not about party politicsā€¦you (thanks to freedom given to us by our founders) can vote for whoever you wish. Mr. Kerth has always blatantly shown his hatred for our president while presenting his views on our current democratic ways of life. I do not expect him to change his Marxist views but without stating what party you favor. I think it would benefit all your readers on your stance for/against BLM and their communist/terrorist actions.

P.S. Do you respect our American flag…OUR VETERANS need your support.

Larry O
Sun City resident

Trump has decimated and/or slandered much of the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture scientists, Justice system, the rule of law, the FBI and the CIA.

The similarities of Hitler and Trump are frighteningly, unmistakable. Will our system of checks and balances survive a Trump Presidency? What are conservatives thinking when they embrace Trumpā€™s anti-government, fascist, pro-authoritarian dictatorship?

I have held off telling my thoughts in case it may offend any of my Trump loving neighborsā€¦Well guess what! I do not care what they think anymore. If they love Trump, they need not talk to me. God Help America! Pray we do not have a war before his man is removed from office.

Richard Wagner
Sun City resident

I compliment Joan Davis, a former nurse and teacher, on her excellent and courageous letter to HangYourHat on September 10. She describes her worries over the environment, the chaos facing reopening schools, “the deplorable way we’re dealing with COVID-19”, the threats to the post office and social security, the dangers of ignoring Russian interference in our elections, etc. I share her worries. I also congratulate Glenn Hoffman on his letter of the same date sharing his belief and the belief of many that the president is unfit to lead our country.

Eileen Gaughan
Sun City resident

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