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Political Place: March 23, 2023

By My Sunday News

This is a response to Larry Casey’s “Political Place” letter in the December 15 edition of My Sunday News. I have been a lifelong Democrat because I feel strongly about Women’s rights, Zero Population Growth, renewable energy and taking care of our elderly and those who are unable to take care of themselves. We did not get Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid from the Republicans! I am not anti-Republican, but I am sickened by the direction the Republican party has turned in the Trump Era. I would love to cut costs and have a balanced budget. I think that could be accomplished and still be a nation that cares for its people and environment.

Fossil fuels (oil, coal, and gas) are scientifically proven to be destroying our environment. The Democrats want to promote renewable clean energy sources like solar, wind, biomass, hydropower and geothermal. I would like to have a livable environment to hand down to future generations. We humans are reluctant to change if it hits us in the wallet, but as painful as it may be to make the changes, they are necessary NOW! We should have listened to Democrat Al Gore in 2001 when he pushed for environmental activism. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his efforts! We humans need to learn to live with and care for our environment, rather than destroy everything in our path. If the Democrats who have pushed for clean energy were supported by the Republicans, perhaps all those solar panels would be made in the USA aka American jobs. Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House!

Mr. Casey blames the Democrats for sending American jobs to China. Republican Ronald Reagan started us down that slippery slope back in the 1980s with Reaganomics. His Laissez Faire economics assumed that the private sector could make the best decisions when left on its own. So U.S. corporations started putting shareholders first, and employees and consumers last. American workers got deceived by their own government. Do any of you remember how Reagan devastated the airline industry? Do you have fond memories of Frank Lorenzo? The “ridiculous regulations” which Mr. Casey finds burdensome, keep our food, water and air safer! They regulate the safety of our children’s toys and make our cars safer and cleaner to drive.

Mr. Casey says “the Republican Party quotes science when determining the gender of a person” and that “God made man and women (SIC), no other human being.” That is certainly not a very SCIENTIFIC way of looking at the subject of human sexuality. Humans vary from the ultra-masculine to the ultra-feminine and everything in between. It’s all about hormones. We should be able to love and accept all of these humans equally and appreciate them for their talents and contributions to society.

Mr. Casey seems to think that only Republicans want “every citizen to be treated equally and fairly and not be discriminated against because of the color of their skin.” I have no idea how he came up with that notion. I believe that the majority of people of all political parties want this for our nation! If citizen also happens to be a homosexual will he be able to treat him/ her equally?

Contrary to Mr. Casey’s beliefs, it is not just the Republicans that stand for “equal justice for all.” I believe that the majority of people in all political parties want to see people held accountable for their wrong doings. The people who don’t want this are probably the people who don’t want to be held accountable. I am on the edge of my seat awaiting the decisions regarding the January 6, 2021 insurrection…

Since the Democrats have become the majority in Congress we have managed to pass the Inflation Reduction Act to fight climate change and lower prescription drug costs. We have passed the CHIPS and Science Act to support American manufacturing. A major gun safety law has been passed, and we protected same sex and interracial marriage. We have also managed to save the USPS, which means saving American jobs and services. Plus, we have helped Ukraine defend itself. Like Mr. Casey I would welcome a return to the civilized and spirited debate in Congress with the primary goal of advancing the goals of our country which will make a better future for our children and grandchildren.

Jennifer Galloway
Sun City resident

With the School Board election coming up April 4, I’d like to take a moment to expand on what it means to our country.

Over the past few decades, we have witnessed several organizations that have pushed policies, and candidates, that do not have the county’s best interests at heart. Instead, they lead a very slow, yet lethal, attempt to move America toward an authoritarian style of governance. The focus is on the erasure of freedoms; i.e. woman’s rights to abortion as part of healthcare; the right of free speech by banning books about subjects they deem as grooming, misleading, or just unacceptable; gerrymandering districts lines controlling who votes and how easy voting is for them. Some of this comes from fear of losing something. Or, from blind faith in fantasies reported as truthful news. Fox News is current being sued by Dominion, in a defamation law suit. And, there are eight law firms pushing for shareholders to bring lawsuits against Fox News as well. Much of this seems to be on a larger horizon. However, it starts at a local level and the School Board election is at the local level.

School Board elections are not run as Republican or Democratic. They do, however, bring to their seats Republicans, Democrats, and Independent leaning candidates. There is no problem with those candidates who have conservative financial views and are willing to exercise them as board members. I would prefer a more liberal view on the social issues that school boards deal with, such as banning of books and vaccination issues.

I recently met and spoke with a candidate who has some great ideas on fund development and fiscal management. She has a skill set of inter-agency network development. She is an accomplished public spokesperson for advocacy groups and agencies. Her life story includes being born poor and being raised, with her siblings, by her mother. She understands what hard work and achievement means and is willing to put her background and expertise to work for District 158. That is Paula Yensen, PH.D.

Remember to Vote for School Board 158 on April 4.

Gail Talbot
Huntley resident

As you consider the candidates for the upcoming D158 school board I ask you to consider supporting my neighbor and friend Jonathan Dailey. Jon is humble, compassionate, and trustworthy. He will be fair and prudent with the budget and he will engage and challenge administration as he seeks to find solutions. He is not influenced by any wild political agendas, instead he will be guided by the feedback he receives from the local community because he understands that each decision will affect students, parents, teachers, businesses, and other community members in some way. That, coupled with data and evidence based in fact will lead him to a decision, even if at times, it may not be the one that seems most popular. Most admired is his thoughtfulness and dedication to his family, friends and neighbors and is why we need him to help lead our community. His willingness to step up and serve is important and I know my kids, his kids, our community’s kids and our teachers, staff and administrators are better off with him in that boardroom. The board does need a new voice. Jon, appointed to an open seat just a couple months ago, is that new voice and deserves a chance to make positive change. I am proud to support him for D158 school board and hope you will too.

Chris Brittain
Huntley resident

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