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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: February 23, 2023

By My Sunday News

I’m responding to the question posed by George Ciesla who wrote in this past article on page 4.

This article gives the answers to his questions. God is the author, creator, and giver of life. He clearly tells us in His word when life begins. He knows us even before we were in our mothers’ womb. Not one woman, ever, gave birth to anything but a human life, a person in the form of an infant. Conception happens and a new and separate life is formed. Clear and simple.

Kathleen Hofmann
Sun City resident

2023 has barely begun and we’re already being deluged with new false claims, misinformation and outright lies. Often these are financially or politically motivated. Let me give you a few examples.

Because I’m a nurse, especially interested in nutrition, I was shocked to see these recent news headlines, ”Obesity is caused by your genes” and “New drugs focusing on genes CURE obesity.” Such claims fly in the face of years of well-designed research clarifying the complex nature of obesity. While it’s true that some genes have been shown to affect the development of obesity, a preponderance of evidence shows that genes are only a very small percentage of the interrelated causes of obesity. Lifestyle and nutrition are much more responsible for the development of obesity. As numerous studies have shown, it’s our modern American diet, with its increasing reliance on ultra-processed foods, that is primarily responsible for our skyrocketing rates of obesity in this country.

Marketers for medications to cure obesity such as Wegony (semagitide) are promoting widespread use, even for adolescents and children as young as 12. The truth is studies have shown the weight comes right back once medication is discontinued. The drug is prohibitively expensive ($1300 per month). It requires weekly injections. There have only been only limited long-term studies of its safety. And finally, despite claims such drugs have been approved, to date the FDA has approved the drug only for obese patients with other chronic health conditions.

The claims about the new obesity drugs are harmful leading people to decide “My weight is all due to my genes,” detracting patients from lifestyle approaches that demonstrate successful long-term weight loss — without side effects. While gene-focused obesity drugs may fatten the pockets of manufacturers and marketers (including health care professionals who are recruited to give credibility to such misinformation), they do little to help the obese seeking successful treatment.

Another recent example of a damaging false claim comes to us from the sports world. In the scary moments after Damon Hamlin’s collapse on the football field, many fans searched the web for real-time updates—and instead found an avalanche of totally unsupported claims that COVID vaccines were the cause of Daman’s heart attack. Charles Kirk, an anti-vaxxer repeatedly spread this claim on Twitter reaching millions without providing a single shred of evidence. This caused confusion and potential increased resistance to a proven effective public health measure. Twitter did little to stop the lies — confounding a personal tragedy with potential tragic health consequences for many.

Another popular “whopper” that’s recently been circulating involves the Assault Weapons Ban. NRA-funded gun zealots are spreading lies about this new law saying guns will be taken from law-abiding citizens. What? Such lies directly contradict the actual wording of the Illinois law: Under the new law, Illinoisans who already own semi-automatic weapons must register their ownership so that law enforcement knows the location of these weapons of war and who to hold accountable if they fall into the wrong hands. False claims only invite unnecessary division, distrust of the government and attempts to undermine the democratic process of supporting laws people have shown they want.

One last example of how harmful misinformation can be, especially when it’s politically motivated: Have you heard the one about 87,000 IRS agents coming after middle class families and small businesses? Major fact-check organizations have evaluated such claims, concluding they are false and advising that the proposed investment in the IRS was designed to crack down on the ultra-wealthy and corporate tax cheats. The only effect on everyday taxpayers would be to get their returns faster. It was estimated that this increase IRS funding would result in $200 billion in tax revenues and make it more difficult for tax defrauders to continue using tricks to avoid paying the taxes they owe. Unfortunately, the mis-information campaign worked resulting in the new House of Representative’s bill to defund the IRS.

I could add many other examples, but I think I’ve clarified how unchecked claims and lies, no matter how convincing, harm all of us. What can we do to protect ourselves? Don’t just accept claims, even by very convincing promoters, clever sound bites and authoritative figures who have no facts to back up their claims. Whether it’s questionable medications, COVID recommendations, gun regulations or government operations, be skeptical and question who is benefitting from such claims. Be especially wary of Facebook and Twitter which have become unchecked echo chambers for misinformation and damaging falsehoods. In that way we can help lessen the damage false claims are causing.

Joan L. Davis
Sun City resident

I would like to respond to Mr. Ciesla’s letter about when life begins in the February 9 Sun Day News.

First, I agree with you that know where in the Bible does it literally say “life begins at conception.” However, there is a difference in “reading” the Bible and “studying” the Bible. What it does say is that we were created by God, male and female as stated in Gen 1:27. Psalm 139:14-16 refers to being fearfully and wonderfully made. Even in the womb before the body had form God sees life, he is the author, and He values life. Matt 10:30-31 and Matt 6:26 refers to the numbering of the hairs on our head. Also, that we are move valuable than a sparrow. Jeremiah 1:5 God says he knew us before we were in the womb. God saw us “in the secret place” at conception (Psalm 139:15). And there are too many more to list.

Second, the belief that life begins at conception began with God (see above), however, from a scientific standpoint, feel free to check the American College of Pediatricians, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Princeton’s article titled When Do Human Beings Begin, to name a few. Scientifically, life begins at conception when the sperm and egg come together creating a human being even though that human being has no definitive shape. If you do a simple search on “when does life begin scientifically” you will get your answer as they go into the technical aspects of cells, organisms, etc.

Third, we are governed by the Constitution, which does not include murder. Murder is covered under US 18 Code, Part 1, Crimes, Chapter 51 Homicide. Murder is defined as intentionally taking the life of a “human being.” If the uniting of an egg and sperm become a human being, and intentionally taking the life of a human being is murder, then abortion is murder. So, even if you choose to follow the law, abortion is murder.

And fourth, whether or not the constitution was created with God in mind is another debate. However, as a Christian, if one truly believes in the Word of God, one can only be against the murder of innocent people, and an embryo is innocent. Gen 9:6 Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed. Also see Matt 5:21, Matt 18:10, Matt 18:5-6, Mark 9:3637, Exodus 20:13, Rev 21:8, Lev 24:17, Deut 5:17, Rom 13:9, etc.

Throughout scripture, God affirms the value of every human life. One must either accept and believe ALL of the Bible or reject All of the Bible. Either All of God’s Word is truth or none of it is truth. And if God flip flops, then what kind of God would He be? Couldn’t He change His mind about salvation, love, hope, faith, eternity, etc.? John 1:1, God and the Word are one and the same. His Word is written and it will not change.

For those who say a woman gets to decide when a human being should be terminated is playing God. Only God alone has the authority to do what He pleases with us as our creator.

So, whether you are following God or following the US law, the shedding of innocent blood is murder and it is wrong.

Diane Hirshberg
Sun City resident

Bias is defined as a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief. In science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error.

This community has been living with the Pickleball/Tennis issue for a long time.

At the recent board meeting on February 9, 2023, there were 2 agenda items – those unfinished from the meeting on January 25 – no pickleball on the agenda or so it seemed. But once again Roger Lambert, Board member, proposed the topic again.

To end the Pickleball/Tennis dilemma, the board authorized an expenditure of over $9000 for the installation of cameras on the courts. Data was collected from Clubs for May – September 2022. Cameras were installed at the beginning of July. “Objective: to provide the Board statistically accurate, objective, and defensible information.”

The usage of the Pickleball Club was reported as: “Total utilization is 32%” and “Club utilizes courts 36%.”

The board voted in December that the usage and the possibility of noise violation lawsuits do not justify additional courts for Pickleball. Full capacity usage had not been reached. Was this finally the end? NO. The next two board meetings had Pickleball again on the agenda.

Parsla Gagainis, President of the Tall Oaks Tennis Club said, “The Sun City Board spent a lot of money to research usage by the two clubs and found there wasn’t a need for more courts by the Pickleball Club. It was just voted on two weeks ago. My understanding is that the meeting of the Board on Feb. 9th was a continuation of that meeting to go over the two agenda items they did not get to. How can they then introduce ‘new business’ and present the motion they did when it is just a different version of the original motion? It is not ‘new business’ and this Board does not seem to follow Roberts Rules of Order. The Tennis Club has never been given any notice of these motions that will impact the club in such a huge way. In addition, I find it difficult to believe that the Board members who have been or are members of the pickleball club can declare themselves to be ‘unbiased.’ Their actions speak otherwise.”

At the February 9th meeting, Russ Howard proposed again another committee be formed for the pickleball/tennis issue. Howard included in that committee the Tennis and Pickleball Officers and 3 board members. Howard said, “I am unbiased since I purposely did not join pickleball this year.” Howard held the office of President of Pickleball at one time. No vote was taken on this idea, but the minutes issued later stated, “The Board will consider formulating a plan to deal with the Pickleball Club request for re-striping the Stadium Court for use by players of both sports. Action on the matter is currently postponed until the May 2023 BOD Meeting.”

In January 2022, the United States Pickleball Association (USPA) was contacted and information was passed on to the board. Pickleball is a fast-growing sport, but the growth does not come without problems, scheduling, and noise lawsuits. Carl Schmits, Director of Equipment Standards, offered assistance to help the club transition to the drop-in sport to scheduling. With schedules, levels of skills and byes, as with tennis play, is in the equation. Schmits said, “The 8 courts would handle 600 pickleball plays.” This was ignored by the previous board and the current board.

In the matter of possible lawsuits on the noise and possible drop in the value of residences near pickleball, Tinnelly law Group advises associations: “contact your attorney to provide an in-depth analysis to ensure the association is not needlessly exposing itself to liability.”

The board was approached at the January 25th Board Meeting and via Talk to the Staff to get a legal opinion. “I am requesting that the Board consults with our Association attorney to provide an in-depth analysis to ensure the association is not needlessly exposing itself to liability.” No action or response by the board – except to put pickleball on the agenda again on February 9th.

In the membership meeting, the Association presented data showing that the Sun City activities offered and facility usage has not reached pre-Covid levels. The same is true for Tennis. The Club followed the mandate imposed by the Association and the State to stop all Club activity. Pickleball did not. Its own submitted data shows that its membership grew during this time. The Pickleball club blatantly and openly had membership registration during a period when clubs were ordered to cease all activities in compliance with National Guidelines. By ignoring the restriction and having registration at the courts, where masks were not enforced, the club put not only its only club members in jeopardy but the whole community.

The board was asked on October 22, “There was a mandate to cease all Club Activity during a period – Pickleball’s data indicate that the club continued to grow and remain active – What sanctions were put on the club? And if not – why?” The response was “Thank you for allowing us to respond; however, the Board does not have a comment.”

The pickleball club also did not follow the manual procedure of presenting its issue to the Charter Club President Council. It went straight to the board. Bias again prevailed and the action taken by the board was to put pickleball on the agenda.

The board and all groups in Sun City are expected to follow Robert’s Rules of Order. On page 407 of Robert’s Rules of Order, it discusses recusal – “a conflict of interest or prejudice concerning a particular matter.” It further directs that the members not only recuse themselves but should not discuss the matter.

Why are Pickleball members on the board NOT Recusing themselves? Bias is not avoided by declaring oneself ‘unbiased.’

The question is how long will this controversy and hostility be allowed to continue? Can the board move on and accept the results of the expensive study? The first and second meetings of the new board lasted almost four hours and continues to slip the Pickleball needs on the agenda, will this be a norm for this new board?

Christine Such
Sun City resident

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