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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: November 8, 2012

By My Sunday News

And Into the Future

By the time this piece is published, the 2012 federal and state elections will be behind us. As this must be written prior to election day, it can not comment on the actual results of the voting. Our hope is that the progressive candidates received a majority of the votes.

But, even with the 2012 election now history, Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action is not going dormant. There will continue to be local, state, and federal issues that deserve our attention. It is the vision of HSPA to continue to identify and work to resolve such issues favorably. So we will continue to meet, although the 2013 schedule is not yet set.

Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action’s long-term goals include:

To continue as an influential democratic group

To continue to inform members about issues and legislation that needs to be supported or opposed

To work to develop and support Democratic candidates for local office

To continue to encourage communication with our elected officials

To continue to communicate with and through local newspapers

To continue to develop and promote HSPA and its viewpoints

So, to begin to evaluate the long-term results of this year’s election and look forward to future activity, we invite all HSPA members to attend this week’s (Oct. 8) general meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Willow room of the Huntley Park District REC Center. It will be devoted to looking at and planning for what, when, and how we will achieve our goals and, we hope, celebrating the recent election results.

David Williams
Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action
Communications Team

This is a response from an Edgewater resident to the Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action

Many of their statements we all can agree with such as:

1. Get out to vote

2. Unemployment needs correcting

3. Take PAC/corporate money out of politics

4. Reducing the debt is critical

On the other hand, several of the other numerical points lean towards socialism, which is not the way we want to have the USA proceed – increasing paid vacation time, higher pension income, extended sick leave, health care coverage for all and the government pay for higher education coverage for everyone.

Do you really feel that the only way to achieve all these stated goals is to re-elect the president

and give him another democratic Congress? Would you really trust him to get the stated goals accomplished? As the article says, “would you really trust this man to be in the White House?” Again!

Obama made these statements four years ago and had a democratic congress for the first two years. Do you realize what he accomplished that he said he would in those first two years and even four years! His theme was “hope and change”

1. He did “change” America. Unfortunately most people agreed with his statement of “change.”

He sure did that! Are we/you better off today than we were four years ago? We still have “hope!”

2. “I promise 100 percent transparency in my administration.” Have you seen that?

3. “I will allow five days of public comment before I sign any bills.” What happened to that promise?

4. “I’ll put the health care negotiations on C-Span so everyone can see who is at the table.” Did you see that? Did C-Span refuse to show it?

President Obama violated every one of these pledges he made to all of us. The list is long of violations of voter-friendly utterances. Are you going to believe him for another four years?

The president also claimed he would “cut the deficit in half at the end of his term.” Does he know the difference between “cut” and “increase”? “I will not sign a plan that adds a dime to our deficits either now or in the future. period!”

Enough of this bally hue from our elected officials and the president. We want honest action.

Be positive for the future you are voting for. Make sure you totally understand what you would desire the USA to be. For its people and to the world!

Robert Anderson
Edgewater resident

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