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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: August 30, 2012

By My Sunday News

Huntley Tea Party Response to HSPA

When David Williams, representing Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action, made reference to Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate, he followed the Democrat 2012 campaign theme by immediately attacking both Ryan and Romney, claiming statements both false and arbitrary. Paul Ryan’s plan not only maintains Medicare in its present form for those of us over 55, but also provides a path to save Medicare for future generations from the inevitable path of failure without serious and sound reforms.

To call Paul Ryan’s budget “extreme” would deny the fact that it was approved in Congress with bi-partisan support (extreme?) and ignore the second fact that Barack Obama’s budget was unanimously rejected by both houses of Congress (extreme!). Next, providing choices to younger Americans will help avert the disaster that awaits the broadly acknowledged unsustainable program known as Social Security. Most seniors have been well served over our lifetime through investments in our economy by way of a fluctuating but long-term growing stock market. Whimsy and fantasy would better describe current government policies and programs when it comes to a reliable return on investment (can you say “green energy”?).

Most informed voters would laugh at the suggestion that Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan would have “severely conservative positions” or at least question the meaning of the term “severely.” From all accounts it would appear that their positions would be more in touch with most Americans’ values than some recent job-killing, over-regulating, and freedom-robbing dictates by this current administration.

We wholeheartedly agree with HSPA that Sun City residents – and all American voters – get to know the choice we face this November. Let’s get the facts, judge the near-four-year performance of Barack Obama and Joe Biden along with their plan for more of the same policies going forward, then compare their slope of decline to a change toward a path to prosperity through fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and properly regulated free markets.

Join us at our next meeting, September 18, at 6:30 p.m. for meet and greet, 7 p.m. start time at the Cosman Center, Deicke Park, 12015 Mill St. in Huntley to learn more about the truth of today’s reality and tomorrow’s consequences as we address key issues important to all Americans. Our two guest speakers will present our current situation without distractions, distortions, or deceptions; and propose solutions for our country and our failing State of Illinois. More info here:

Jim Nelson

Huntley Tea Party

Focus on political facts, not “commercials”

“Yeah, that Paul Ryan. The architect of the Republican plan to kill Medicare.”

“I know Paul Ryan’s extreme budget would end Medicare as we know it,” etc.

Not true. Opinions have always been poor substitutes for facts. Please listen to the presidential and vice presidential debates coming up on television. All points of view that demonize other points of view are mere commercials, not facts. You will hear each candidate’s personal commercial and companion facts during the debates.

You can decide if commercials are more important than facts. Read blogs online for facts. They are boring but true. Go to websites where candidates put in print facts about entitlements and why changes are needed and how they can be accomplished.

Political opinions are simply commercials for people who are manipulative and prefer jumping to false conclusions for reasons of personal interest, much like commercials for soap or cars or deodorant. That includes all candidates and their supporters. Facts keep our heads on straight.

Then you can vote for the right reasons even though the candidate you select indulges in commercials to engender your ignorance. After all, he does not know whether his audience of voters is well informed or a bunch of dummies.

Clint Zupancic

Sun City Resident

I’m For Number Two

Another view of Paul Ryan…Mitt Romney made a great choice. Rep Ryan helps us focus on the financial future of America and not on extraneous issues. Helps us see that the “Affordable Care” Act has already raided Medicare by taking $716,000,000,000 out of Medicare Advantage.

Ryan’s Democrat co-sponsor from Oregon (Ron Wyden) confirms that their Medicare bill, in the so called Ryan Budget, will protect Seniors by not affecting anyone 55 and older. And it will give younger folks under 55 a chance to choose a free-market option to Medicare or stick with Medicare, if they wish, when they reach retirement.

Mitt Romney, by his vice-presidential pick, has made a bold leadership statement. He and Paul Ryan are looking to the future of America rather than pushing the country over an economic cliff. They want you focused on a clear choice between a smaller government, a balanced budget, fiscal sanity, or bigger government and an ever-growing national debt, which we and our children and grandchildren can not afford.

As for me, I vote for sanity. Romney and Ryan (number one and number two)

EC Joe Jones


Response and Reaction to David Williams’ article “Political Place Who’s for Number Two” and notice of September 13 meeting.

It appears that you are misinformed or a person who has not read and carefully researched both sides of the upcoming election except for sources such as the very left Huffington Post.

The mention of the Ayn Rand name is interesting in that she rejected all forms of faith and religion unlike the Romney/Ryan candidates who regularly practice their religions. Other than photo ops once in a great while, Obama does not appear to practice any religion except for his past attendance at the infamous Rev. Jeremiah Wright services!

Due to the age group of the Sun City residents, Medicare is very important. Under the Romney/Ryan proposal, nothing will change for anyone who is age 55 or older. Any future reform needed will allow for a choice of the same program currently in place or a subsidy to help buy insurance. In contrast, Obama’s healthcare takes away $716 billion from Medicare to help fund the disastrous Obamacare, and don’t forget the death panel.

The severe damage to this country and incompetent leadership by the Obama administration leaves no choice but to send Barack Hussein Obama packing as soon as possible and allow new competent leadership to repair his damage and restore our Country to the sound and responsible principles set forth by our Founding Fathers.

Eileen J. Prus

Sun City resident

Linda Moore Announces Her Bid for Re-Election as Grafton Township Supervisor

Huntley, IL – Linda Moore is announcing that she will seek re- election as Supervisor of Grafton Township.

Moore has kept her campaign promise to stop the construction of an unnecessary multi-million dollar township hall. Every four years, all township officials must be elected, including trustees, highway commissioner, supervisor, clerk, and assessor. In addition to beating back the efforts to build a township hall, which would cost the taxpayers $5 million dollars (including interest), Moore has:

-Voted “NO” to increasing your property tax bill three consecutive years

-Voted against deficit budget

-Three years favorable independent audits filed with State Comptroller’s Office

Linda has been married to her husband David for 27 years and has two grown children. She has been a lifelong resident of Grafton Township. Moore has been the Republican Precinct Committeeman for Sun City Grafton Township Precinct 26 for five years. She has also served as the Grafton Township Republican Central Committee Treasurer, she is a member of the Huntley Tea Party, and is the Secretary for the McHenry County Supervisor’s Association.

For more information, please contact Linda Moore, 1-847-630-6325 or email her at

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