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Ask an Angel: September 20, 2018

By Re Kielar

Our Ask An Angel correspondent is Re Kielar, Life Care Navigation Specialist in the area of senior home care.

Q. Are there specific tests for Alzheimer’s disease?

A. First, we must understand that Alzheimer’s falls under the umbrella term of Dementia. There are many types of Dementia. A doctor take steps to investigate properly, and decide if tests are needed to make sure Alzheimer’s is, in fact, the issue. A doctor will want to rule out any other source that could be causing memory loss, such as medication a patient is taking. When we speak of Alzheimer’s we mostly think about cognitive challenges, or memory loss. A primary care physician may conduct a simple test to explore if there are memory issues. This test is called the Mini Mental State Examination, or MMSE. It is commonly used when people have concerns about their memory and could be the first step used to help decide if further tests are needed. Local senior centers offer this test from time to time and it could prove beneficial to participate in these services when offered. The MMSE measures different mental abilities, mostly involving memory and consists of a short series of questions and simple activities. A primary care physician may decide to direct a patient to seek the guidance of a neurologist. A neurologist will conduct more in-depth testing which includes a physical and neurological exam. Reflexes, muscle strength, coordination, and balance may be checked, just to name a few. Blood tests may be ordered as well to rule out any other causes of memory loss. A neurologist may also use brain imaging technology. In either case, a doctor will want to talk about symptoms, when they began, and how often they occur. If there has been a change over a period of time, this information should be shared. If a family member or caregiver can provide realistic information to share, that could be helpful to the doctor, so it would be prudent for them to be present at appointments. It is important to be prepared for this discussion. The Alzheimer’s Association website offers a great downloadable form that helps people prepare for a doctor’s appointment. It can be found here. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. That is why having a detailed list of symptoms is very important. The patient/doctor relationship is a team effort, and doing our part is an integral part of the journey together, and we remain hopeful that a cure is found in our lifetime.

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