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Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: November 1, 2012

By My Sunday News

Everyone is invited to see “2016: Obama’s America,” a film described as “a vista” of Barack Obama’s early life and events that have caused him to subscribe “to an ideology that sees America very differently.” From exotic locales across four continents, this documentary searches to find answers to Barack Obama’s past and reveals predictions of where America will be in 2016. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.

In less than 90 minutes we get a chance to view Barack Obama’s life and beliefs in a way that is not mean-spirited–no personal attacks, hateful remarks, or unfair shots. Everything is calmly and easily laid out in a conversational manner, appealing to viewers without insulting their intelligence. There’s also nothing political in here about Mitt Romney or any Republican candidates. This is solely Obama’s film, and he is the main focus.

Join us on Nov. 1 at Huntley Park District Building – 12015 Mill St. Gather in Willow Room at 6:30 p.m. with movie showing at 7 p.m.

Don’t miss this opportunity to view “2016: Obama’s America” and its conclusion that proposes a theory that makes sense and does it in a compelling and respectful manner.

Donna Roche
Sun City

My letter is in response to Ms. Chipkin and Mr. William’s recent letters. President Obama and the Democrats had complete control of Congress for two years. During that period they could have passed a jobs bill. Instead their emphasis was on passing a 2700-page health care bill that none of them read or that none of us can afford. Do seniors really believe that the quality of their life will improve when $700 billion is removed from Medicare to fund Obamacare?

If President Obama gets a second term to continue to implement policies that are bankrupting our country, the transformation that will take place will mirror exactly what happened in Germany and Russia and what is now happening in Europe. The so-called progressive policies of the last 30 years have put us on a course which must be reversed for the sake of our children and grandchildren. We have no moral right to saddle them with our debt.

The social policies promoted by our government and Hollywood have weakened the family unit – not strengthened it. One only has to look at the grim statistics of children born without fathers and what happens to these kids later on in life. The challenge to religious freedom must be recognized and rejected.

History tells us that these policies will ultimately destroy civilized societies. Look at what happened to Russia and Germany. Look at what is happening in Europe as those countries go broke. Once again the Middle East is on fire, and it is clear that President Obama’s apology tour did not influence the culture that is bent on destroying people that value freedom and liberty.

We have numerous problems in this country that will not be solved by continuing to spend money that we don’t have. We must insist on accountability, fairness, and metrics to determine how well our programs work. Why are we going down a path that will ultimately destroy us? It is imperative that we have a leader in the White House that can work with Congress.

Sharon Sullivan

A week from now all the voting and counting should be done. One of the most important decisions in recent years will have been made by the American people. There have been lots of arguments and accusations during the campaigns. Despite these, why should citizens vote for President Obama? Here are some reasons:

1. He is motivated by a sincere desire to do what is best for the majority, not just the upper one percent.

2. He is for civil rights for all, including women and gays.

3. He is for the middle class, not just millionaires, and will provide tax breaks and a growing economy so everyone has a chance. He has cut taxes for a typical family by $3,600 and has called on Congress to extend the middle class-income tax cuts. President Obama is fighting to grow the economy from the middle class out, not the top down. This election presents a choice between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow our economy and create good middle-class jobs.

4. He is for a healthcare system that heals the suffering even if they have limited resources. He will keep Medicare and Medicaid strong for all.

5. He believes we should protect the Social Security and Medicare that seniors have earned after a lifetime of hard work. He’s improved the solvency of Medicare, added benefits, and put forward principles to strengthen social security.

6. He is for women’s rights, equal pay for equal work, protection against domestic violence, right to choose, and a fair shake from the SBA in business. From cracking down pay discrimination to making sure women can get birth control and preventive care with no co-pay or deductible, he has fought to give women more control over their health and more opportunities.

7. He is for the environment, clean energy, and energy independence.

8. He is for veterans, including better job opportunities, medical care, and appropriate rewards for their service.

9. He is for education, making it a top priority to have the United States a world leader. He has increased federal funding and grant money for those seeking a higher education.

During his term in office, he has led us back from the brink of a full-scale depression. But, his administration has been frustrated by an uncooperative House of Representatives that has kept us on the brink of another financial collapse. So, we need a Democratic Congress to work with the President. So, vote for Dennis Anderson for Congress, as well.

So, Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action encourages all residents to get out and vote for the party that is fighting to make the world better for all, not just the upper one percent. Re-elect President Obama and elect a Democratic slate, both national and local.

David Williams
Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action
Communications Team

Last week Jess Chipkin, writing for HSPA, wrote that the lack of jobs is the fault of Congress for not passing President Obama’s “American Jobs Act.” She is right to blame Congress, but totally wrong when she says it was “Republican stonewalling” that prevented it from passing. Regardless of Obama’s rants about the need to act quickly and pass it and then blaming Republicans for the delay, there was one rather embarrassing problem: his $447 billion proposal was blocked in the Senate — by his fellow Democrats.

Lets deal with some facts. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid actually stopped a vote in the Senate on the president’s measure – a vote requested by Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – because both men knew that the president did not have enough votes within his own party, let alone from Republicans, to pass the bill he’d been hyping for weeks.

Another fact is that Obama’s so-called top priority on jobs only appeared well into his term in office. It wasn’t until September 2011 that he “prioritized” the American Jobs Act. Prior to that time he was busy devoting focus to yet another “top priority” signing in March 2010: the controversial healthcare bill that divided the country, creating alarm among small businesses about future hiring costs.

It was widely believed that many Democrats decided that supporting their unpopular president was not worth losing their own jobs in November. Our own U.S Senator Dick Durbin shed some light on those Democrats’ thinking at that time, when he admitted the Obama bill was a “no-go” in its current form. “There are some senators who are up for election who say ‘I’m never gonna vote for a tax increase while I’m up for election, even on the wealthiest people.’”

Finally, Ms. Chipkin is either unaware of or chooses to suppress the fact that there have been 39 jobs bills passed in the U.S. House of Representatives – mainly with bi-partisan support – that have been largely ignored or await consideration in the U.S. Senate, under Democrat control.

We do not need more distractions, distortions, or deceptions about the problems arising from bad leadership or political polarization. What voters need today are facts dealing with key issues upon which to base our voting decisions and choosing the right path for America tomorrow, beginning January 2013.

Jim Nelson
Huntley Tea Party

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